Beautiful Creatures - Kick OutТекст песни

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Blood stain, nice guys Loose lipped, cross eyed Love spits the bull's eye Now, whip that bitch to the other side Kick out, kick out, kick out, kick out, kick out Break out, break out, break out, break out, break out Take a long look at yourself And leave the rest behind Tight fist, diamond rings Slammed down on the green Love bites over me Now pick that baby When she does that thing Kick out, kick out, kick out, kick out, kick out Break out, break out, break out, break out, break out Take a long look at yourself And leave the rest behind I'm gonna make everything my own I'm gonna steal your heart and make it whole I'm gonna take everything I want And leave the rest behind Like this.. Kick out, kick out, kick out, kick out, kick out Break out, break out, break out, break out, break out Take a long look at yourself And leave the rest behind I'm gonna make everything my own I'm gonna steal your heart And make it whole I'm gonna take everything I want And leave the rest behind

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