Bang Gang - There Was a WhisperТекст песни

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I feel so alone I feel so cold I want to fly Take off to the sky It's so cold It's so cold It's so cold There was a chill There was a sound There was a whisper That I found It went along Searching It will return while I stay I feel so alone I feel so cold I want to fly Take off to the sky It's so cold It's so cold It's so cold There was a chill There was a sound There was a whisper That I found It went along Searching It will return while I stay There was a chill There was a sound There was a whisper That I found It went along Wandering It will return while I stay Searching There was a chill There was a sound There was a whisper That I found It went along Searching It will return while I stay There was a chill There was a sound There was a whisper That I found It went along Wandering It will return while I stay Searching

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