Baader Meinhof (1996)

Baader Meinhof текст песни

Baader Meinhof - Back on the FarmТекст песни

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I was the first - back on the farm Possibility and me Well he took a leaf he lives and dies by his deed And the kids - he politicized This is the Holger Meins Commando He was my brother I'll do anything for him Back on the farm If there's a shadow of a doubt on this route Back on the nazz Out with the lash There's a realm of possibilities Back on the farm, back on the farm With you holy handle your mantrap mantra Your anti aircraft alarm Your spineless mass and your spineless man This is the hate socialist collective - all mental health corrected You've inherited your mother's worst side If the pressures too much you can lean on me But it's not your concern And you need not hide And the children Be politicized This is the Petra Schelm commando She was my sister

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