B3 - Too Much HeavenТекст песни

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[Chorus:] Nobody gets too much heaven no more It`s much harder to come by I`m waiting in line Nobody gets too much love anymore It`s as high as a mountain And harder to climb Oh you and me girl Got a lot of love in store And it flows through you And it flows through me And I love you so much more Then my life I can see beyond forever Ev`rything we are, will never die Loving`s such a beautiful thing Oh you make my world a summer day Are you just a dream to fade away [Chorus:] You and me girl got a highway to the sky We can turn away from the night and day And the tears you had to cry You`re my life... I can see a new tomorrow Ev`rything we are, will never die Loving`s such a beautiful thing When you are to me, the light above Made for all to see our precious love [Chorus:] Loving`s such a beautiful thing You make my world a summer day Are you just a dream to fade away [Chorus:] Nobody gets too much love anymore It`s as wide as a river and harder to cross

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