This Is No Dream (2000)

Audrey Lavine текст песни

Audrey Lavine - How Long Has This Been Going On?Текст песни

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As a tot, when I trotted in little velvet panties, I was kissed by my sisters, my cousins, and my aunties. Sad to tell, it was hell, an inferno worse than Dante's. So my dear I swore, "Never, never more!" On my list, I insisted that kissing must be crossed out. Now, I find I was blind, and oh my! How I lost out! I could cry salty tears, Where have I been all these years? Little wow, tell me now, How long has this been going on? There were chills up my spine, And some thrills I can't define. Listen, sweet, I repeat, How long has this been going on? Oh, I feel that I could melt, Into Heaven I'm hurled! I know how Columbus felt, Finding another world. Kiss me once, then once more. What a dunce I was before. What a break! For Heaven's sake! How long has this been going on? Dear, when in your arms I creep, That divine rendezvous, Don't wake me, if I'm asleep, Let me dream that it's true! Kiss me twice, then once more. That makes thrice, let's make it four! What a break! For Heaven's sake! How long has this been going on? How long has this, been going on?

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