Dead Ends And Girlfriends (1999)

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Allister - TimingТекст песни

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There's something that's been on my mind That's why I've wasted all my time Being with a selfish girl like you There's something that I've gotta say That's why I can't go on this way Being hung up over you Cause I don't want to be the one You come to when you're crying on the phone And I don't want to be the one You come to when you're crying all alone Because I don't think that you realize That what we have is gone and it will Take to long for us to get it back I don't think that you understand We won't get back together cause Our timing could have never been so bad Been so bad There's something that's been on my mind That's why I've wasted all my time Staying up all night thinking of you There's something that I've gotta say That's why I can't go on this way Wondering what happened to our love Cause I don't want to be the one You come to when you've found another guy And I don't want to be the one You come to when you want to say goodbye Because I don't think that you realize That what we have is gone and it will Take to long for us to get it back I don't think that you understand We won't get back together cause Our timing could have never been so bad Been so bad Now its time for me to get on with my life Because our timing could have never been so bad

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