Alex Parks - Out of TouchТекст песни

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Sleep my baby The planets line up in your mind As you sleep my baby Your soul's implying You'll be just fine So soar out Get swallowed out of touch You're out of reach My darling You're safe in sleep Could I leave you Step by step? You're out my reach I felt pain once Put you out of touch Turn away now I hear you cry You're lost in time As I start to fly now Your soul is mine I'll be just fine I soared up Got swallowed out of touch You're out of reach My darling You're safe in sleep Could I leave you Step by step? You're out my reach I felt pain once Put you out of touch Put you out of touch I apologize Feel tears, no surprise You're out of reach My darling You're safe in sleep Could I leave you Step by step? You're out my reach I felt pain once Put you out of touch Put you out of touch Put you out of touch

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