Acceptance - PermanentТекст песни

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Sometime ago, I keep losing track over again, All these promises won't turn golden until you Touch them It's permanent, Nothing is permanent It's permanent, We'll be watching your back following Indecision's lasting for years, Indecision's lasting for years. Sometime ago, Memories in my head are starting again, Speak it fast don't move in slow, Running through the country maybe they will find me. It's permanent, Nothing is permanent It's permanent, We'll be watching your back, We'll be watching your back Following indecision's lasting for year Indecision's lasting for years Like a river in Arizona dried up before you were born It's starting up again It's starting up again It's starting up again (We'll be watching your back) It's starting up again It's starting up again We'll be watching your back its permanent Nothing is permanent It's permanent We'll be watching your back It's permanent Nothing is permanent It's permanent Time is pushing us back (following) Permanent permanent permanent

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