A.S.A.P. - Wishing Your Life AwayТекст песни

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Locked up, banged up, can't think for yourself Twenty four hours in a teen foot cell Rights of a prisoner, needs of a dog Stare at a ceiling, make your peace with god Night falls, my heart calls Hours turn to days Daybreak heartache, looking down in disbelief I see myself it can't be wishing your life away, Pray that that tomorrow comes Cry your tears today, yesterday will never come, well, well... Backed up, jacked up, it's worse than you think Thirty long days for one little drink No hand on the wheel, no foot on the floor Just walls and a ceiling and a slamming of a cell door Lights out, the nights shout The days drag on and on Day breaks my heart aches No way out there's no space I think this time I'm going crazy Whishing your life away Pray that tomorrow comes Cry your tears today Yesterday is dead and gone

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