A Girl Called Eddy - HeartacheТекст песни

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Where did those crass band mornings go And the dreaming over tea God only knows Was it so long ago Your tried to let me know You'd seen this face Somewhere before Now you know for sure That you can call him Heartache Yes, you can call him that You can call him Heartache You'll never take it back Once there was spring inside his eyes Now there's only autumn winds And sad grey skies And I'm such a fool To think that I Could change the rules I'd seen his face Somewhere before Now I know for sure That you can call him Heartache You can call him that You can call him Heartache You'll never take it back And you can call him Heartache Yes, you can call him that You can call him Heartache You'll never take it back You've seen his face Somewhere before Now you know for sure

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