36 Crazyfists - When Distance Is the Closest ReminderТекст песни

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Let's just pretend for a second that nothing's wrong and we've grabbed horizons by the throat and moved along Bypass everything that dragged us out into the lights, and while you're around here's that kiss good night Slow dance in the dark for old times sake, while we have death in her own wake Crawling home with the headlights on, we scrape the skin from bone and disregard...the city is our guide(2) Here is my voice of retrieval, that brings me back to the greatest stance I had before weight slowed it down And took away the pace I had with no apologies but if I'm still down help me here on my damn knees Slow dance in the dark for old times sake, while we have death in her own wake Crawling home with the headlights on, we scrape the skin from bone and disregard...the city is our guide The city is our guide all the way home (our guide), Scape the skin from bone and disregard, the city is our guide, all the way home, (our guide) scrape the skin from bone and disregard, the city is our guide

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